Saturday, January 23, 2016

2016 TBR List

"If you wish to be a writer, write!" -Epictetus 

This is my 2016 To Be Read List, which will be ever-increasing.  I will keep this as my featured post so you guys can see the updates. 

1. The Last Star by Rick Yancey (YA Science Fiction)

In the month of January, I have been super-obsessed with The Fifth Wave series.  While it's not perfect, I very much enjoyed reading it, and the writing and execution was stellar. I know this book doesn't come out until May 2016, believe me that I will go to Barnes and Noble and buy it on May 24th. So excited for how this series is going to wrap up!

2. Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand (Memior/True Story)

Saw the movie and I loved it, however, I have never gotten the chance to read the book, so that's what I'm going to do this year! Hopefully.  This is the true story of Louis Zamperini. 

3. The Distance from Me to You by Marina Gessner (YA Realistic Fiction)

So this book is in my genre, and I love finding those rare gems that are in that niche that I call 'my genre' - more on this later. So I plan to haul myself to Barnes and Noble to get this book because it looks freaking awesome. It's about this girl who goes on a trek in the Appalachian mountains to find herself before heading off to college. 

4. Darlah (172 Hours On the Moon) by Johan Harstad (YA Horror/Science Fiction)

This book is originally in Norwegian by a Norwegian author, so it is extremely hard to find. It's obviously about 172 hours on the moon, but more specifically, a testing program sending teenagers to space.  I'm not sure when I'll ever get to read this, but it's horror science fiction and it sounds so amazingly intense I can't wait. 

5. Alive by Scott Sigler (YA Science Fiction)

I don't know a whole lot about this book, but usually, I've heard that this makes a book better. So the rough synopsis is that a bunch of teenagers find themselves locked in a coffin.  The only form of identifications are the markings on their bodies and names on coffins.  They then have to figure all of this out and survive.  Sounds contrived, but I find myself drawn nonetheless. 

6. Looking For Alaska by John Green (YA Realistic Fiction)

Dear general population:  STOP telling me that this book is so amazing.  I don't want to know. I'm so glad that you love it but please stop ranting and raving about how amazing it is - you're kind of spoiling it for me. 

Anyways, most people are well-versed in what people say is the YA god of our time.  It's about this skinny kid who goes to boarding school and meets this wonderful girl, Alaska. Cliche, I know, but hey.  Why not?

7. If I Stay by Gayle Forman (YA Realistic Fiction)

This is another one of those popular books that I've yet to read - but I want to so bad. It's about Mia, who's got a perfect life, but all of it is shattered when her family dies in a car crash and she is in a coma.  Then, the story is her making the choice of life or death.  

Sounds epic.  Sounds deep.  I must read. 

8. Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion (YA Romance)

Think zombie apocalypse meets Romeo and Juliet. I was interested in the movie when it came out, but never had the chance to see it. However, I've always been interested in the concept and heard great things, so let's see if I like this one. 

9. Nil by Lynne Matson  Supernatural YA

Recommended by Amy, she described it as 'Lost meets The Maze Runner.  And knowing me, this is all that I really need to know.  Wish me luck in finding this sucker. 

10. Salt To The Sea by Ruta Sepetys Historical YA

A story about 4 teens whose lives cross in a historical tragedy akin to the Titanic. I have heard raving reviews of it, and have been interested in the history surrounding it. So hey, let's give it a shot. 

Of course I will read other books over the 2016 period; however, these are the ones that I vow to finish. And by posting this on my blog, I am holding myself accountable.  Then, I can look back at the end of the year and see how unproductive I was.  

Check out my Instagram to check out 2015's Top Reading Hits - @olivia.j.the.wordshaker

~The WordShaker

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