Monday, August 18, 2014

Questions Without Answers

"I write for the same reason I breathe - because if I didn't I would die," -Isaac Asimov

My current WIP (Work In Progress) is about two 15 year old teenagers who get in a four-person plane crash in the remote Sonoran Desert.  One boy and one girl are the only survivors.  They have to learn how to survive and get along (they are strangers) and use the knowledge their parents gave them, while relying on their instincts, to get back to civilization.  It's actually one big metaphor.

These kids are lost in the desert, otherwise known as the wilderness.  That can be considered the "wilderness" like time of adolescence.  It's also a bit ironic, because they are physically lost, and mentally lost, as well.  It's their own "coming-of-age" that finds them.  The girl's father and the boy's mother both die in the plane crash, leaving them alone, to navigate the world by themselves, kind of like how it is when teenagers vie for independence but find themselves on their own too early.  Also, you really are slowly coming into your own a the age of accountibility, and you have to rely on the tools and knowledge given to you.

Throughout their expririence, they tackle the tough questions in life, examine their own selves, and form their beliefs about the world around them, and, most importantly, questions about God, exactly like a normal, functioning teenager should.   But this got me thinking.  How am I any different than Terra or Wyatt?  I'm wandering through a metaphorical "wilderness" of my own, just now coming to the age of accountibility, being pulled back and aimed like an arrow, to pierce and fly through the air, directed by my parents (holding the bow), but the flight is all up to me.

And lately, actually more like the past two years, have been my wilderness time, my "coming-of-age" story, my own personal age of accountibility.  And, sure, I've been questioning other things about life and myself and things like that, but this is the first time I've really tackled the questions about God.  Are all of the things my parents taught me real?  Should I believe them?  Why?  Does God exist?  If He does, does He care about little old me down here?

Growing up in church and being a good girl, I could answer these questions right off the bat if a stranger asked me them on the street.  But just because I know it in my head doesn't mean I believe it, or can feel it, right deep within my soul.  I'm just looking, just asking, for a stamp of sorts, to seal the deal.  To make everything that I've seen, that I've heard, that's been spoken over me, real and personal.

And here's the kicker to all of this.  If you're like me, coming-of-age and tackling these kinds of things, I want you to know one thing - just ask.  Whether Christian or Athiest, just ask God.  Are you out there, and do you hear when I cry?  He might not answer you right then, he never usually does.  And, don't expect something obvious and clear.  It also might not be the right time.  But ask and you will receive (John 16:24b  NKJV).  Eventually, He'll answer you.  I don't fully believe he's answered me fully yet.  But He's God, right?  So I know He will.  Eventually.  Maybe.

Best Regards,

~The WordShaker

Saturday, August 9, 2014

About Me

"Writing is a struggle against silence," -Carlos Fuentes

I'm not going to tell you too much about myself, other than that my name is Olivia J.  I'm a writer, obviously, or else I don't think I would be starting this blog where I write.  I'm planning on posting weekly, hopefully on Fridays or Saturdays, with a book or movie review each month.  The other weeks, I will be just writing my observations, things I find interesting, a particular subject.  You might even find me trying to persuade you, the reader, towards something.  I will also share some wisdom, a little about my life, and just things that happen in my day to day life, and each post will contain a new quote about writing.  Most of the time, I will go by the pseudonym The WordShaker, as in reference to The Book Thief.  This is my first blog, and I am just learning how to use Blogspot, so bear with me please.  I hope you all will enjoy reading whatever seems to puke out of my head each week!

-The WordShaker