Saturday, June 13, 2015

Why We Should be Proud to be Writers

"If a story is in you, it has got to come out," -William Faulkner

I am honored to choose the title of writer. Because writers have the most important, yet underrated job of all.  Over doctors, who just keep our bodies alive.  Over teachers, who fill our heads with knowledge.  Over any other profession, because writers are the givers of life.

We give life through our words.  Words are life.  With just one word, the creator of the universe spoke the heavens into existence, and as writers, we wield the power to create with nothing but the 26 letters and characters of the English language. We start from the bottom and build up.  We can manipulate everything that is displayed in your head with our word choice. We can paint a picture on your mind with long, flowing sentences.  We describe each tiny movement of a character's face to display their emotion.  We can drag you along for a bumpy ride with our choppy phrases and harsh words. We have power over all, except ourselves. Because words flow out of us like blood.

I have a story to tell.  I have many complex stories inside of me, and this must be told through the rapid motions of my fingers flying over these keys. My stories are everything - they are what I breathe, what I drink in, what I bleed out. They make up me, because they are breathed into me like life by the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

You have that power.  I have that power.  So, be proud to be a wielder of words, even if you've been staring at a white screen with a blinking cursor for days, weeks, years.  

Just some daily inspiration from Yours Truly,

~The WordShaker

1 comment:

  1. Very inspiring indeed. :) We were created to be creative by a Creator God who used words to speak things into existence. A very nice read, good job.
